A nič nebude počuť. Aftermovie Tomáša Prištiaka.

We wish Milan Adamčiak’s legacy will continue to live beyond monographs and galleries. His work was created on the periphery – artistic as well as geographical and social in his last couple of years. The local environment shaped him, it is here he can be best understood and followed up upon. At JAMA, we commemorated Milan Adamčiak’s 73rd birthday in the places where he felt most at home in his latter years, and this way we try to continue Adamčiak’s legacy.


Thursday 3. 10.


18.30Who was Milan Adamčiak?
(Krčma U Michala)

Ivan Šiller and Fero Király present the work of Milan Adamčiak (lecture – accompanying program for local residents)

Friday 4. 10.

(Parter BSC)
18.00Festival opening
(Parter BSC)

Talking, drinking and getting acquainted.
A bear’s head and a found cello (exhibition opening)
Arnold Kojnok – Musicologist and creator (film screening, 42 min.)
JAMA (an experimental radio play about Milan Adamčiak)
Svätopluk Mikyta, Michal Murin, Rastislav Marko, Ivan Šiller, Zuzana Bodnárová, Fero Király

19.30Brackish situation
(Parter BSC)

Petra Fornayová & Peter Machajdík, performance

20.15I am standing and waiting
(Parter BSC)

Anka Čonková & local volunteers, performance

Saturday 5. 10.

8.30We are opening (the door)!
(Parter BSC)

Morning coffee and tea to wake you up. Be on time.

(Parter BSC)

6 x 20-minute talks about adventures in art, Milan Adamčiak and topics close to the festival. Discussion will follow at the end.
Lucia G. Stach, Monika Čertezni, Ján Šimko, Daniel Matej, Richard Kitta, Jonáš Gruska

12.20Lunch and transfer to the train station
(Parter BSC)
0.50Stop No. 2: „Sovereign’s Palace“

We continue along a small footpath, through bushes and a stream to the place where Adamčiak spent the last years of his life.
Juraj Gábor, Marek Kundlák, Ján Šimko

16.00Stop No. 1: Banská Belá – former train stop cancelled in 2016

The train stops where it hasn’t stopped for years. In tall grass and nettles, we will present a site-specific sculptural intervention by Juraj Gábor. Introducing the concept of Unintended Wandering with M.A.

15.55Unintentional wandering with M.A.
(Železničná stanica Banská Štiavnica)

We set off into the countryside in Milan’s footsteps. Wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes. The road is long. Trains don’t wait.

We are changing the sound situations at the railway station. For years, the station was the seat of the residential platform Banská St and nica Contemporary, which is leaving the space at the end of 2019. Symbolically, we will say goodbye to a place that Milan Adamčiak often visited and worked at.
Tigris Argentum, Jonáš Gruska, Los Amargados, Mi-65

The launch of the second Cluster ensemble album, which will exist only in the jukebox in the pub U Michala in Banská Belá. Album 478 contains recordings of Milan Adamčiak’s graphic scores. Informal program, everyone is welcome.

17.00JAMA – experimentálna rozhlasová hra
(Banská Belá)

Broadcasting of the experimental radio play JAMA produced by Rádio Devín about Milan Adamčiak in Banská Belá PA. (Accompanying program for locals)

Sunday 6. 10.


(exhibition opening, accompanying program of the festival)

During September, Juraj Gábor created an installation by the Studnička at Červená studňa, within the Trojica AIR residence, which creates a natural transitional situation. As is the case in his previous projects, he expects active input – the participation of the viewer. We will bring the project to life with a guided walk with the author from the historic center of Banská Štiavnica to its outskirts. Those who are interested should meet in front of the Trojičný stĺp (Trinity Column) on the Námestie Svätej Trojice (St. Trinity Square) at 1 p.m.

Juraj Gábor

Parter BSC. A. Gwerkovej-Göllnerovej 6, Banská Štiavnica (Prístup do priestoru je po kovových schodoch z ulice nadol alebo zdola od plavárne na Mládežníckej ulici cez park hore.)
Železničná stanica Banská Štiavnica. Trate mládeže 6, Banská Štiavnica
Krčma U Michala. Banská Belá 282
Banská Belá.
Banská Belá, zastávka. (Zrušená vlaková zastávka na znamenie.)
Banská Štiavnica | Námestie Sv. Trojice.
Veľká Vodárenská. Pod Červenou studňou, Banská Štiavnica
Hájovňa KTC. Nad Rozgrundom 1, Banská Štiavnica


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