Visual and media artist Boris Vaitovič has been working on environmentally oriented projects in recent years, utilizing residual energies and authorial hardware solutions. He writes about his change in perspective on the means of media art: “For media projects around the world, it is characteristic that they incur significant technical and energy costs to create a visual experience. It’s a cultural phenomenon that we are willing to accept for the gift of a moment, a mental and aesthetic experience that changes us, enriches us, and perhaps leads us to contemplate aspects of reality that are often beyond our motivational horizon. The possibility to make something invisible, fleeting, or ephemeral accompanies me in every artistic endeavor. (…) In my recent works, however, I began to seek solutions that would not lose any of their media appeal but would fit into the concept of ecologically motivated projects.”
Boris Vaitovič has been exploring the topic of residual energies in his projects since 2020. At JAMA 77, he will present a short performance and open an interactive installation titled Taste the waste, which is a continuation of his interest in this issue. He will also give a lecture titled On the Culture and Physics of Surplus. In this lecture, he summarizes his research findings on the topic of energies that, despite the current future-shaping issues of climate and energy crisis, escape our awareness and consent, not only on a small (personal and artistic) scale but also on a large (industrial) scale.