Jürgen Rendl comes from Austria and lives in Bratislava. He researches the periphery and marginal knowledge, and also works as a radio editor. He discovers “his” east by hitchhiking the region. Driven by curiosity, constantly in motion, he absorbs and occasionally interferes with the marginal fields of urban life. Over time, this created a kind of research practice, through which he documents people, experiences, and places in motion. He meets them on the outskirts, in non-places such as roadblocks, parking lots, and border crossings – from Ukraine to Georgia. He initiated the Stadlnova art research project based on the idea of a fictional suburb between Vienna and Bratislava. He regularly participates in cultural and artistic initiatives in the wider region. He occasionally publishes his road diary entries under the alias suburbandrifter. At JAMA – 74th year of Milan Adamčiak’s, his travel diary entries will be translated by Marek Kundlák and he will also participate as a speaker with a lecture on “green migration” based on traveling across borders – literally – with vegetables from local growers in a bag. “I like this idea of re-infiltrating diversity from outside the EU.”